Reflection – 25 September – God has a Name and a Face – Jesus
Exodus 32:1-14 – God has a name and a face in Jesus A reflection by Josh Olds Many of you will know that we’ve recently had a new addition to our household – baby River, our third wee girl was born just a few weeks ago. I’ve quickly come to realise that while...
Reflection 18 September – God is Loving, Forgiving & Living
Reflection by Anne Stewart Dan has a plan for the preaching over the next while but today he set me free from that and was brave enough to tell me that this Sunday I could have the last word! He didn’t tell me how many last words I could have...
Reflection 11 September – God is Loving, Forgiving & Living
Reflection by Anne Stewart How many times have you lost something? I struggle to imagine there is anyone, anywhere who hasn’t lost something at some point. Some of us do it more than others though, it’s fair to say! Some of us are finders too, and...