
Reflection 14 July – Put Down or Praise – Rev. David Coster

Ephesians 1: 3-14 & Mark 6: 14-29       Put Down or Praise by Rev. David Coster It never fails to amaze me that when someone disagrees with another, they attempt to put them down, ridicule them, or make them look like an idiot. Parliament is one of the worst...

Reflection 23 June – Refugee Sunday* – Linda Cowan

REFUGEES: How big is the problem? (*) This Sunday churches throughout the world are called to consider the plight of refugees.  Here are some statistics for 2023 from the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees that...

Reflection 26 May – Trinity Sunday – Linda Cowan

Reflection  26 May 2024 – Linda Cowan Delivering the sermon on Trinity Sunday is not something people necessarily queue up to do.  And I understand why.  The Trinity is tricky.  The whole concept of the Trinity is a human construct, but it’s so deeply embedded in...

Reflection 5 May – Joy Kingsbury-Aitken

Reflection on Acts 10:34-48 & John 15:9-17 by Joy Kingsbury-Aitken There are a surprising number of positive stories about centurions in the New Testament.  There is the centurion whose faith in Jesus’ power to heal his slave at a distance so impresses Jesus...

Reflection 14 April – What it Means that Jesus was Raised!

by Rev. David Coster Acts 3:12-19 & Luke 24:36b-48 Living out what it means that God raised Jesus! This morning, I am helping some of you to reminisce, for I am quoting two of your previous Ministers. I suspect that at some point or other both shared something of...

Reflection 7 April – Joy Kingsbury – Aitken

Reflection on John 20:19-29 and 1 Cor. 15:1-11 by Joy Kingsbury-Aitken The earliest written testimony to the resurrection is not to be found within the four canonical gospels but in Paul’s first letter to the Christians in Corinth.  While the gospels are thought to...