Reflection 6 August – Peace Sunday

Peace Sunday – Micah 4:1-4 & Matthew 5:1-12 a reflection by Dan Spragg Shane Claiborne is the founder of The Simple Way, an intentional Christian community in Philadelphia which seeks to live simply and follow the ways of Jesus in all of life. Living in New...

Reflection 23 July

Genesis 28:10-22 & Matthew 13:24-35 Reflection by Dan Spragg Recently I was lucky enough to spend a weekend in the mountains on our West Coast. Some friends and I rode our bikes over the Paparoa Track. 55 km and 1400m of elevation over two days. It was amazing....

Reflection 16 July – Matariki

Matariki & Psalm 119: Remembrance, Celebration, Anticipation by Josh Olds These images are all from the Mt John Observatory, which sits above Lake Tekapo. There’s something quite mesmerising about the stars isn’t there? It’s hard to be outside on a clear starry...

Reflection 2 July – Presence and Rewards

Acts 5:27-42 & Matthew 10:40-42 – Presence and Rewards by Dan Spragg You’ll recall from Genesis 1 the claim that we as humans are made in the image of God. Now a lot of the time this has been interpreted, especially by us modern Westerners, that each of us...

Reflection 25 June – An Ancient and New Thing

Matthew 10:1-14 & 11:28-30 – An Ancient and New Thing A Reflection and an Idea by Dan Spragg Jesus sends his disciples out to go and do what he had been doing. I’ve mentioned the idea of apprenticeships recently. That’s essentially what being a Christian is...