At ‘The Village’ – 15 to 22 September 2024

AGM – We wish to advise the Annual General Meeting of the Village Presbyterian Church, will be held after Worship on Sunday October 6th 2024 (at the Village, Bryndwr).

Nominations for Parish Council: Please consider who you may wish to nominate for Parish Council (a three year term).  If you would like a nomination form (for you and the person you are nominating, to fill in) they are available at the Bryndwr and Papanui offices.

Sunday 29 September – The Blessing of Animals and Celebration of God’s Amazing Creation Service: You are invited to bring your teddy bear or other stuffed animal friend to church.   If you still have photos to send of your pets, please send to by Friday 19 September please.

You are also invited to bring a flower or two from your garden.

5th SUNDAY FEAST September the 29th is the date for this and the theme is –Season of Creation.  We hope you will be able to be part of this and if it is possible and your surname begins with letters from A to Mc that you bring a dessert and the rest of the alphabet a salad.

The meat and cold drink will be supplied.

We look forward to seeing you then. Sharing food and friendship is an important part of our life together (and it saves cooking at home!)

Playful Generations – Community Drop-in:  Join us any time between 9.30 and 11am, Thursdays, during term time.  Entry by Gold coin donation, which gives you a ‘token’ for a hot drink, and there will be a craft or activity for you to enjoy if you wish. Located in the Creative Nest, at the Village Papanui.

Contact Layka for more information,

The Women Wonders group is currently working through the  “Huia Come Home” by Jay R. and would highly commend it to others to read.  It looks at Te Tiriti and the in New Zealand.  At the moment there is an opportunity to purchase the book at a reduced price. A box of 10 can be purchased for $180 (which includes postage) – I will leave you to do the maths!  If you want to know more about the book chat to Claire, Catherine or Sandra.  If you are interested in purchasing the book, please let Sandra know.  A great way to kick of Te Wiki o te Reo Maori week.

SayGo – The falls prevention (steady as you go) group who meet at the Village, Papanui each Thursday (9.30am start time) have spaces available for more to attend.  If you would like to know more about this please speak with Jenny A. or Janice C. or call Tracey at the Papanui office.  ($3 per time) A social time with a cuppa happens after the class.

Roster Reminder –22nd September:

Setup: Donald & Catherine.

Welcoming: Alison & John, Vivienne.

Reading: Ruth & Bruce.

Counting: Mitch, Margaret M.

Morning Tea: Christine & Wayne, Margaret W.

Technician: Donald.

Grounds at Bryndwr (Sat 21st) Liam.

September Time Event Venue
Sun 15 10.00am Worship Service Bryndwr
6.00pm Table Talk Papanui
Mon 16 9.30am Music Moments Papanui
10.30am Painting Group in the Creative Nest Papanui
6.45pm Indoor Bowls Bryndwr
Tue 17 10.00am Fly-Bys Bryndwr
10.30am Creative Nest, drop-in (10.30am-12.30pm) Papanui
Wed 18 9.45am Badminton Papanui
10.00am Pre-School Music Bryndwr
7.00pm Village Singers practise Bryndwr
Thurs 19 9.30am Steady As You Go, Falls Prevention Class Papanui
9.30am Playful Generations Papanui
10.15am Pop-ins Papanui
11.30am Midweek Worship Service, followed by lunch Papanui
1.00pm Foot Clinic (by appt, ph Bryndwr office) Bryndwr
6.00pm Youth Group Bryndwr
Fri 20 11.00am GoGrans Exercise Group Bryndwr
1.00pm Foot Clinic (by appt, ph Bryndwr office) Bryndwr
1.15pm Indoor Bowls Papanui
Sat 21 9.30am Clothing Shop Bryndwr
Sun 22 10.00am Worship Service Bryndwr
5.30pm Evening Circle (ph Catherine for details) 3511 912