School Holidays: Mon 3rd October to Mon 17th October.  Many of our groups take a break during this time.

AGM Date:

Our Annual General Meeting will be held immediately after the 10am Service on October 16th 2022.

Items of General Business for AGM

If you have any items of General Business for our AGM on October 16, these will need to be in to the office by the end of Thursday 13th so that the agenda can be prepared. Also, apologies can be received by either office up until Friday 14th or at the meeting itself.

Copies of the Finance Report are now available – if you would like to receive one by email please let Tracey at the Papanui office know.  A few copies will be available at the Annual Meeting.

Dan will give a presentation and invite questions and discussion on his study leave material, Towards Simplicity, Harmony, and Generally Being Useful, on 30th October, 6pm in the hall at Bryndwr. You can find the report published in the latest Village News.

A Laptop for our Live Streaming:

Do you have a laptop computer surplus to requirement?  The current laptop we are using for the Live Streaming of our Sunday services is Liam’s personal one. We would like to replace this with one that anyone can use.  If we can make use of a donated machine or a long-term loan, this will be a cheaper option. The laptop needs to be relatively new (within the past few years) so that it can handle the demands of Live Streaming. Get in touch with either office if you can help.

Eco Church Kōrero: Ending Plastic Waste – our part in a global movement

Monday, 7 November 2022 at 7.30pm. ONLINE conversation.

The UN Global Plastics Treaty is one of the most significant international agreements dealing with plastic waste.

A Rocha New Zealand (which runs the Eco Church project to which the Village is a member) invites you to learn about and join in this global movement. Hosted by Rev Silvia Purdie with support from Megan Blakie and Karen Weir.

Register (free) to receive the zoom link:

Tech assist:  If you are having difficulty, or just want to make sure you’re doing it fine, with regards to connecting to the livestream.  Liam is happy to answer any questions or come and help you with connecting your device.

Roster Reminder October 16:

Set-up – Andrew and Ken.

Welcoming – Ken and Kath, Jean.

Reading – Jane, Nancy M.

Communion: John and Nan, Jenny and Trevor, Kath and Ken.

Counting – Vivienne, Derek.

Technician – Asher.

Morning Tea – Keren, Christine and Wayne.

Bryndwr grounds – Donald.


October Time Event Venue
Sun 9   10.00am Worship Service – Kirkin’ of the Tartan Bryndwr
10.00am Worship Service Redwood
11.00am Book Stall Bryndwr
Mon 10 (School Holidays)
1.30pm Bible Study and Prayer Group Redwood
7.00pm Indoor Bowls Bryndwr
Tue 11 12.00pm Friendly Circle Lunch – ph to rsvp & for info
7.30pm Parish Council Papanui
Wed 12 9.45am Badminton Papanui
2.00pm StaRR afternoon tea Papanui
Thur 13 11.30am Midweek Service followed by provided lunch Papanui
Fri 14
Sat 15 9.30am Clothing Shop Bryndwr
Sun 16 10.00am Worship Service Bryndwr
10.00am Worship Service Redwood
6.00pm Table Talk Papanui