Morning Tea to Farewell Dan – The Rev. Dan Spragg’s last service at The Village will be on Sunday 28 January 2024.  We will farewell Dan, and thank him for his ministry among us over the last nine years, with a special morning tea after the service.  I would appreciate everyone contributing a small plate of treats for this morning tea.  Thank you.  Joy (Parish Clerk).  

Thursday 18 January is our first Midweek Service at The Village, Papanui.  The Service begins at 11.30am and is followed by lunch.  A warm welcome is extended to anyone who would like to join us.

Roster Reminder – Sun 21 January:

Setup:                Andrew, Ken.

Welcoming:         David C, Jenny & Trevor.

Reading:             Ian, Catherine.

Communion:        Ruth & Bruce, Jean, Nancy M.

Counting:            Margaret M, Andrew.

Morning Tea:       Christine & Wayne, Joy C.

Technician:          Asher.

Grounds at Bryndwr (Sat 20): Ken.


January Time Event Venue
Sun 14 10.00am Worship Service Bryndwr
  Book Stall Bryndwr
Mon 15   Bryndwr and Papanui offices re-open  
Tue 16      
Wed 17 9.45am Badminton Papanui
Thurs 18      
Fri 19      
Sat 20 9.30am Clothing Shop Bryndwr
Sun 21 10.00am Worship Service Bryndwr