Friendly Circle Lunch – Tuesday 17 December, midday.  If you would like to join the small group who gather once a month for lunch at Jennifer’s home, please call Jennifer or Pat.  As this is a catered meal, numbers are needed in advance.  We look forward to seeing you.

Mower Request – I am pleased to let you all know that we now have two spare mowers as a result of our request.  This is much appreciated — many thanks


Roster Reminder – 22 December:

Setup: Donald & Catherine.

Welcoming: Margaret & Paul, Keren.

Reading: David & Claire.

Counting: Jane, Margaret M.

Morning Tea: Christine & Wayne, Catherine.

Technician: Donald.

Grounds at Bryndwr (Sat 21 Dec) Ken.


December 2024/ January 2025

22 December Readings and Carols 10am

24 December Christmas Eve service at Papanui 9pm

25 December Christmas Day service at Bryndwr 10am

29 December Combined service with St Margaret’s and St Mark’s at Bryndwr 10am

5 January Combined service at St Margaret’s (94 Farrington Ave) 10am


Office Closures – our Bryndwr and Papanui offices close at midday on Friday 20 December and reopen Monday 20 January.

Rev. David Coster is available for any urgent calls during the holiday period.  Please phone him on 027 220 5765.



December Time Event Venue
Sun 15 10.00am Children’s Christmas Celebration and Communion Bryndwr
6.00pm Table Talk Papanui
Mon 16 10.30am Painting Group (Creative Nest) Papanui
Tue 17 10.30am Creative Nest, drop-in (10.30am-12.30pm) Papanui
12 noon Friendly Circle Lunch (ph to rsvp for catering)  
ph Jennifer or Pat
Wed 18 9.45am Badminton Papanui
Thurs 19 10.15am Pop-ins Visitors Papanui
11.30am Midweek Worship Service, followed by lunch Papanui
Fri 20 11.00am GoGrans Exercise Group Bryndwr
  Offices close midday.  
Sat 21      
Sun 22 10.00am Readings and Carols Service Bryndwr
5.30pm Evening Circle (ph Catherine for details)