Council of Assembly correspondence: Parish Council has received a letter regarding the Abuse in Care Report from the Royal Commission, which notes the steps being taken by the Presbyterian Church in response to the Report.  Copies of the letter are available from the Bryndwr and Papanui offices and on the noticeboards there.  If you would like an emailed copy sent to you please email Tracey at

A Thought for Food:  Thank you for the ongoing donations to the Burnside Primary School food parcels.  The following items are welcome: pasta sauce, pasta, rice, canned vegetables, spreads (peanut butter, jam, marmite) tea, coffee, milo, baked beans and canned spaghetti.  Thank you for your help.

Playful Generations – Community Drop-in:  Join us any time between 9.30 and 11am, Thursdays, during term time.  Entry by Gold coin donation, which gives you a ‘token’ for a hot drink, and there will be a craft or activity for you to enjoy if you wish. Located in the Creative Nest, at the Village Papanui.

Contact Layka for more information,

Birthday Dinners: We hear that the July / August ‘babies’ had a lovely evening together, celebrating their birthdays.  A big thank you to Ellen and Graham for hosting.

The next pot luck meal is for our September / October ‘babies.’  We are looking for someone who has a birthday in those months, who would be willing to host.  Thank you for considering this, if you could be in touch with either Kath or Lesley we would be very grateful (the date and time is up to the host).  Thank you very much.

Active Canterbury: ‘Walk n Talk’ now leaves from the Papanui library, Wednesday each week at 1pm for a 40 minute flat walk

Roster Reminder – Sun 25 August:

Setup: Donald & Catherine.

Welcoming: Margaret & Paul S.

Reading: Trevor & Jenny.

Counting: Jane, Mitch.

Morning Tea: Annie, Peter R, Kath.

Technician: Donald.

Grounds at Bryndwr (Sat 24th) Mitch.


August Time Event Venue
Sun 18 10.00am Worship Service Bryndwr
6.00pm Table Talk Papanui
Mon 19 9.30am Music Moments Papanui
10.30am Painting Group in the Creative Nest Papanui
6.45pm Indoor Bowls Bryndwr
Tue 20 10.00am Fly-Bys Bryndwr
10.30am Creative Nest, drop-in (10.30am-12.30pm) Papanui
Wed 21 9.45am Badminton Papanui
10.00am Pre-School Music Bryndwr
Thurs 22 9.30am Steady As You Go, Falls Prevention Class Papanui
9.30am Playful Generations Papanui
10.15am Pop-ins Papanui
11.30am Midweek Worship Service, followed by lunch Papanui
6.00pm Youth Group Bryndwr
7.00pm Village Singers practise Papanui
Fri 23 11.00am GoGrans Exercise Group Bryndwr
1.15pm Indoor Bowls Papanui
Sat 24 9.30am Clothing Shop Bryndwr
Sun 25 10.00am Worship Service Bryndwr
5.30pm Evening Circle Ph office for info.