End of July – Combined Service and Winter Feast

 A reminder to please join us for bagels and coffee at 10am before our service at 10.30am and stay for the Winter feast after service on 30th July. “Bring a plate’ details to come.

‘Bryndwr Banter’ Volunteers needed:  The community board has issued a Newsletter for the Bryndwr Community and they need our help to get it out there.  We have been assigned an area but will need several volunteers to help distribute.  We would like to have them delivered ASAP so if you want to join in, please contact the Bryndwr office for more details.

Women’s Fellowship Meeting: We are meeting Friday 28 July at the home of Hannie from 2 p.m. Everyone is most welcome. Please ring if you have any questions and bring a small plate of something delicious to share.

Kids Club is on each Monday 3-5pm.  If you have children or grandchildren who want to join the Kid’s Club, you can get a registration form from the office, or contact Kate B or Dan.

We are looking for adult leaders to help volunteer, a flexible arrangement is fine.  We are in need of someone to run the kitchen in July and August – (or different people on a roster during that time).

(Thank you very much to those who donated Lego – we now have a good amount for the children to enjoy)

2023 Annual Reports:  An email request has been sent to those responsible for our different groups, asking for annual reports to be submitted to Tracey at papanui@villagechurch.nz by Monday 31 July.  Thank you.

Our Sunday Sermon is usually posted to the Village Church website on a Monday.  If you can’t be at Church on a Sunday and would like to read the Sermon you’ll find it under the ‘Reflections’ heading – go to www.villagechurch.nz

The Village Presbyterian Church Parish Council July Update

Devotions: Dan’s reflection came from a passage from the Alpine Presbytery Culture and Strategic Framework and from Micah 6:8, Matthew 6:33 and Revelation 21: 3-5. We were asked to consider two questions: What are we hoping for in our future with God and What injustice do we sense God is inviting us to respond to in our communities?

Responses included;

  • being alongside people wherever they are at,
  • injustice of disconnection – we can connect and bear witness to God’s love,
  • living in a way that sets an example of how communities can live
  • substandard housing which is making children sick – what can be done about this?
  • ecological injustice – how can we be a voice for the environment?

Finance Report: – Judith presented her monthly report and noted the following key points:

  • In May we had our properties revalued. The value for both the land and the building has increased.
  • CATAS salary system: Judith will communicate with them about transferring the wage payment system.
  • Insurance schedules have been received and we await the accounts for these.
  • Truman Road: The tenants are expected to move in at the beginning of August.
  • Judith is working on the year-end accounts. We now need to depreciate the buildings at 2% of the QV value, which will have a negative impact on our accounts.
  • A request for finance to cover bathroom alterations at Truman Road has gone to the Church Property Trustees.

Other Circulated Reports: 

  • Ministry
  • Community Centre
  • Building report
  • StARR report

Matters Arising from Circulated Reports:

STaRR (St Andrews at Rangi Ruru):  Following a discussion about the future of services at STaRR, it was recommended that we look towards terminating the STaRR MOU at June 2024.  The appropriate process for this to proceed will be instigated.

Proposed drop in centre:  The application seeking funding to support this project is proceeding.

Monday Preschool Music at Bryndwr: It was noted that this programme is finishing after 21 years.

Redwood:  Those attending Redwood here shared morning tea and memories on Sunday 16 July. Planning for the final service will commence shortly. We are investigating the possibility of increasing the number of Pop-Ins visitors to cover the Redwood members.


  • A commissioner for General Assembly (27 Sep – 1 Oct in Auckland): Several options for sending a commissioner were discussed.
  • Voting for the Moderator: The candidates were discussed and ranked in preferential order.
  • Vacant positions update: Jane A. will be our Privacy Officer, Bryan W. will cover the Child Protection Officer’s role.
  • AGM: A tentative date is set for 10th September 2023, following the morning service at Bryndwr.

Roster Reminder for Sun 30 July

Setup:  Andrew & Judith.

Welcoming: Janice & Ian, Sharon.

Reading:  Jenny & Trevor.

Counting: Christine M, Andrew.

Morning Tea: Hannie & Frik, Judith.

Technician: Donald.

Grounds at Bryndwr: Liam.


July Time Event Venue
Sun 23 10.00am Worship Service Bryndwr
10.00am St Andrew’s at Rangi Ruru Rangi Ruru
5.30pm Evening Circle, Brookside Tce. Ph Catherine
Mon 24 9.30am Music Moments Papanui
10.30am Painting Group in the Creative Nest Papanui
1.30pm Bible Study & Prayer Group Redwood
3.00pm Kids Club Bryndwr
6.45pm Indoor Bowls Bryndwr
Tue 25 10.00am Fly-Bys Visiting Bryndwr
10.30am Creative Nest Papanui
Wed 26 9.45am Badminton Papanui
10.00am Pre-School Music Bryndwr
Thurs 27 8.00am Village Prayers in the Chapel Bryndwr
11.30am Midweek Worship Service, followed by lunch Papanui
6.00pm Youth Group Bryndwr
Fri 28 1.15pm Indoor Bowls Papanui
Sat 29 9.30am Clothing Shop Bryndwr
Sun 30 10.00am Bagels and a drink Bryndwr
10.30am Combined Village Worship Service Bryndwr
Lunch ‘Winter Feast’ after the Worship Service Bryndwr