Ministry Settlement Board (MSB) Nominations:  Parish Council is calling for nominations for people to serve on the MSB responsible for facilitating the congregation’s call of a new Minister to the Village Presbyterian Church.

Nomination forms will be included with the Order of Service on Sunday 24 March, and will be available from the Bryndwr and Papanui offices from Tuesday 19 March.  We will also send a global email detailing the process, along with a copy of the form, on Tuesday 19 March.

The forms must be submitted to the Office Administrators (at Bryndwr and Papanui) by 11.00am on Thursday 28 March.

The congregation will be advised of who the nominees are in a global email, prior to a Congregational Meeting on Sunday 7 April 2024 (after the 10am Service, at the Village Bryndwr).  If there are no more than four nominees an election will not be necessary, and the appointment of all four nominees onto the MSB will be confirmed at the Congregational Meeting.

If you do not have access to email and would like the names of the nominees, please phone the Parish Clerk, Joy.  Joy will have this information from Tuesday 2nd April.

Church Donations:  A reminder that March 31 is the end of the financial tax year and a time to think about any additional giving we might make to the church, which will result in a donations tax credit of 33 cents in the dollar from IRD.

Roster Reminder – Sun 31 March:

Setup: Andrew, Ken.

Welcoming: Alistair & Margaret, Keren.

Reading: Judith & Andrew.

Counting: Christine M, Mitch.

Morning Tea: Salilo & Jerry, Fuatino & Sapu.

Technician: Grant.

Grounds at Bryndwr (Sat 30): Mitch.

Our Easter Services:

Good Friday – March 29th

10am at the Village Bryndwr

Easter Sunday – March 31st

10am at the Village Bryndwr

Morning tea with toasted Hot Cross buns after service.


March Time Event Venue
Sun 24 10.00am Worship Service Bryndwr
10.00am Worship Service St Andrew’s at Rangi Ruru Rangi Ruru
5.30pm Evening Circle (ph Catherine for info) (ph Catherine for info)
Mon 25 9.30am Music Moments Papanui
10.30am Painting Group in the Creative Nest Papanui
7.00pm Indoor Bowls Bryndwr
Tue 26 10.00am Fly-Bys Bryndwr
10.30am Creative Nest, (10.30am-12.30pm) Papanui
Wed 27 9.45am Badminton Papanui
10.00am Pre-School Music Bryndwr
Thur 28 11.30am Midweek Worship Service – followed by lunch Papanui
6.00pm Youth Group Bryndwr
Fri 29 10.00am Good Friday Service Bryndwr
Sat 30      
Sun 31 10.00am Easter Sunday Worship Service Bryndwr


Giving to The Village:  Some wonderful things happen through The Village, and people giving financially is an important way to support both our church activities and the initiatives we run to serve our communities.  An offering is made available during our Sunday worship but you are also welcome to give by automatic payment or envelope which means you can claim a tax credit of 33% for your donation.  Please contact Keren R. or Donella D. for more information.