It’s a girl!!! Congratulations to Josh and Susan who welcomed a daughter, River Jia Olds, to their family on Saturday 20th August. All are doing well!
The Hope Seminar on Creation Care Sunday 11 September, 3.00-5.30pm at Papanui Baptist Church, 144 Sawyers Arms Rd, Christchurch.
A warm welcome to anyone interested in faith and the environment. A Rocha Christchurch is inviting Christians from all churches to an afternoon of fun and inspiration. The theme is “We are connected.” Input, conversation, worship, and practical stuff you can do to care for God’s creation. Children welcome.
Hope Seminar Speakers:
Silvia Purdie (A Rocha Christchurch): “Connected: up, down, in, out and around – Christian spirituality for creation care”
James Beck (Cashmere New Life): “Te Ringatini – A story of hope”
Jolyon White (Anglican Advocacy): “Climate action for churches”
Diana Johnston (South West Baptist): “Connecting with God’s world”: an all-age activity
Lerk Shih Poh (St Augustine’s Anglican): “Next level recycling”
Register at; Cost is $15 for waged.
Free for unwaged, seniors, youth & children. Includes afternoon tea. More information about A Rocha at
Organ Concert: on the recently restored 1905 W. Hill & Son pipe organ – Saturday 3rd September, 1.30pm. St.Paul’s Trinity Pacific Presbyterian Church at 45 Fitzgerald Ave. Tickets $10 available at the door.
Burnside Primary donations: Thank you to everyone that has been donating items for the school. We are in need of canned fruit, canned vegetables (Not tomatoes) and pasta sauce. We also need laundry detergent, dish scrubbies, jif/ajax, all-purpose cleaner, deodorant and toothbrushes. Thanks again!
Each Sunday our Redwood congregation collects grocery items much like we do at Bryndwr. This has been a long tradition with the donations made to various recipients over the years. We are pleased to announce that these are now being gratefully received by Northcote School.
Village Market request: the reserve of items for sale at our monthly markets has dwindled – we need your help! If you have household items, furniture, books etc. in good condition suitable for sale at the market, and would be willing to donate them, we would love to receive them. Pick-up can be arranged if needed, or you can drop things off to either office during open hours. It would be great too to have some new faces – so come along yourself, encourage your neighbours, family and friends (and if they have items they are happy to donate we would love to help them have a ‘spring clear out’).
Thursday Hour: You are invited! A social hour at the Village Bryndwr – BYO drinks and we provide the nibbles. 5.00 – 6.00pm on the first Thursday of each month.
Community Centre 25th Anniversary: Thursday 8th September from 5-6.30pm at the Village Bryndwr. We will tell the story of the Community Centre, be entertained by Burnside Primary school and then finish the evening with a finger food ‘Feast’. We hope you can come!
A farewell for Anne as she moves on to the next chapter is being planned for Sunday, September 18th.
We will celebrate Anne’s time with us following the morning service hearing from a few people and concluding with a potluck finger food lunch.
Roster Reminder for September 4th
Set-up – Andrew, Ken.
Welcoming – Claire and David, Vivienne.
Reading – Judith, Margaret B.
Counting – Mitch, Christine M.
Technician – Grant.
Morning Tea – Salilo and Jerry, Fuatino and Sapu.
Bryndwr grounds – Don.
Aug Time Event Venue
Sun 28 10.00am Worship Service Bryndwr
10.00am Worship Service Redwood
10.00am Worship Service Rangi Ruru
5.30pm Evening Circle (ph Catherine for details)
Mon 29 9.30am Music Moments Papanui
10.00am Pre-School Music Bryndwr
10.30am Painting Group Papanui
1.30am Saygo Papanui
1.30pm Bible Study and Prayer Group Redwood
7.00pm Indoor Bowls Bryndwr
Tue 30 10.00am Fly-Bys Bryndwr
10.30am Creative Nest Papanui
Wed 31 9.45am Badminton Papanui
10.00am Pre-School Music Bryndwr
Thur 1 11.30am Midweek Worship Service followed by lunch Papanui
5.00pm Thursday Hour Bryndwr
6.00pm Youth Group Bryndwr
Fri 2 1.15pm Indoor Bowls Papanui
Sat 3 9.30am Clothing Shop and the Village Market Bryndwr
Sun 4 10.00am Worship Service Bryndwr
10.00am Worship Service Redwood
6.00pm Table Talk Papanui