Indoor Bowls at Papanui – Friday afternoons:  Come and join us at the Papanui complex on a Friday afternoon 1.30pm to 3.00pm for a social game of indoor bowls. No previous bowling experience needed.  Be there by 1.15pm and wear flat, soft-soled shoes.  Contact Margaret S. for further details.


Indoor Bowls at Bryndwr – Monday evenings: Indoor bowls are starting on March 17th – come and join us, we are a friendly group.  We start at 7pm but ask that you be there by 6.45pm – hope to see you there.  Phone Mitch for info.


Help needed for morning tea: The Village Church is hosting a morning tea for the 30-40 Burnside Primary staff at the school on Thursday, 27 March. We need muffins, biscuits or slice to take along.  If you are able to help, please let Mary Jo Chase know what you are making by 21 March.  Email: . Thank you!


April to June Roster:  Please email (or phone and leave a message) Tracey at the Papanui office, giving any dates when you won’t be available to be rostered for 10am Sunday Worship duties.  Replies would be appreciated by Wednesday 12th March please.  Many thanks, Andrew.


Easter eggs for Pillars:  As we have done in previous years, we are collecting Easter eggs to be given to Pillars, who distribute them to the children of prisoners. Easter Eggs can be brought to worship services during March, or left in the collection boxes at the offices at Bryndwr and Papanui. For information about Pillars, go to


5th Sunday Feast:  It is time to let you know when the next feast is to be held – we do hope you can place it in your diary and come along.  They are always a great opportunity to share hospitality together.  The date is March 30th – as usual we will begin with coffee at 10am before the Church service at 10.30am, followed by the meal. 

If your surname begins with A to Mc we ask if you could bring a salad to share. If your surname begins M to Z we ask you to bring a dessert to share.

The meat, this time is sausages on the barbie!  (Supplied). We look forward to seeing you then.


Battery and lightbulb recycling:  You can now recycle your lightbulbs and batteries at church, both at Bryndwr and Papanui.  Look out for the labelled black bins in the foyer.  The batteries and lightbulbs will be taken to Mitre 10 for recycling.  (This is a Village Eco Church initiative).


Roster Reminder – 16 March:

Setup: Andrew & Judith.

Welcoming: Salilo & Jerry,

Fuatino & Sapu.

Reading: Nan & John.

Counting: Christine A, Jane.

Morning Tea: Christine & Wayne, Kath.

Technician: Donald.

Grounds at Bryndwr (Sat 15 March) Liam.


Grateful thanks: Thank you so much to everyone for the warm welcome we have received. We really appreciate all the grocery items that filled our pantry when we first arrived, the restaurant meal voucher gift, and the fresh produce shared from your gardens. Your kindness and generosity has warmed our hearts, and we are enjoying getting to know you all. Teresa, Luke, Sophie and Johnny.


March Time Event Venue
Sun 9 10.00am Worship Service Bryndwr
  Book Stall Bryndwr
Mon 10 9.30am Music Moments Papanui
10.30am Creative Nest, Painting Group (10.30-12.30) Papanui
Tue 11 10.00am Fly-Bys (visitors)  
10.30am Creative Nest, drop-in (10.30-12.30) Papanui
12.00pm Friendly Circle Lunch (ph Jennifer 0204 065 1622) Kenwyn Ave
7.30pm Parish Council Papanui
Wed 12 9.45am Badminton Papanui
10.00am Pre-School Music Bryndwr
Thurs 13 9.30am Steady as you go, falls prevention class Papanui
9.30am Playful Generations (9.30-11am) Papanui
10.15am Pop-ins (visitors) Papanui
11.30am Midweek Worship followed by light lunch (provided) Papanui
6.00pm Youth Group Bryndwr
Fri 14 11.00am GoGrans Exercise Group Bryndwr
1.15pm Indoor Bowls Papanui
Sat 15 9.30am Clothing Shop Bryndwr
Sun 16 10.00am Worship Service Bryndwr
6.00pm Table Talk Papanui