What's On at The Village

Notices 9 – 16 February

Right Rev Rose Luxford Moderator Presbyterian Church of Aotearoa New Zealand moderator@presbyterian.org.nz Tēnā koutou katoa As I look forward to being at Waitangi again this year I think back to last year and the privilege it was to participate in both the Waitangi...

Notices 2 – 9 February

January/February birthdays:  Joan and Kip Powell are hosting a pot-luck meal at their home on Saturday February 15 at 6.00 pm for the Village members who have birthdays in January or February.  If you and your spouse/partner/friend are able to join us please RSVP to...

Notices 26 January – 2 February

Ordination and Induction Service 26 January:  beginning at 2.30 p.m., we will be holding a service of ordination and induction for the Rev. Luke Blackbeard at The Village Bryndwr, to be followed by a shared afternoon tea.  If you are planning to attend,would you...

Notices 22 December – 19 January

December 2024 / January 2025 24 December Christmas Eve service at Papanui 9pm 25 December Christmas Day service at Bryndwr 10am 29 December Combined service with St Margaret’s and St Mark’s at Bryndwr 10am 5 January Combined service at St Margaret’s (94 Farrington...

Notices 15 – 22 December

Friendly Circle Lunch – Tuesday 17 December, midday.  If you would like to join the small group who gather once a month for lunch at Jennifer’s home, please call Jennifer or Pat.  As this is a catered meal, numbers are needed in advance.  We look forward to seeing...

December and January services

December 2024/ January 2025 12 December Youth group end of year – potluck meal at Bryndwr, all welcome. 15 December Children’s service 10am 22 December Readings and carols 10am 24 December Christmas Eve service at Papanui 9pm 25 December Christmas Day service at...

Notices 8 – 15 December

Youth Group End of Year Celebration and Graduation: Kia Ora all! Join us for youth group’s end of year celebration and graduation! We will be celebrating the awesome year that we’ve had and acknowledging a bunch of our wonderful young people who are graduating high...

Notices 1 – 8 December

Youth Group End of Year Celebration and Graduation: Kia Ora all! Join us for youth group’s end of year celebration and graduation! We will be celebrating the awesome year that we’ve had and acknowledging a bunch of our wonderful young people who are graduating high...

Notices 24 November – 1 December

First Saturday of the Month Markets: (A notice from the Community Centre committee) Firstly, the committee thanks the group led by Andrew Souness who put a huge amount of time into the amazing work needed for these markets to happen.    It is a massive contribution to...

Notices 17 – 24 November

Jazzamatazz – Summer Surprise: Sunday 17 November, 3-4pm.  An hour of jazz followed by a cup of tea or coffee.  All ages event.  A gold coin donation please at the door and something for the food bank would be appreciated.  St Silas Anglican Church, Main North Road,...