2025 Village Directory:  Please email or phone (and leave a message) Tracey at the Papanui office to advise of any changes to your contact details – we will be printing a new directory in March.  Many thanks.

Saturday Village Market: Our next market date is 1st March, from 9am at the Village Bryndwr.

Battery and lightbulb recycling:  You can now recycle your lightbulbs and batteries at church, both at Bryndwr and Papanui.  Look out for the labelled black bins in the foyer.  The batteries and lightbulbs will be taken to Mitre 10 for recycling.  (This is a Village Eco Church initiative).

Indoor Bowls at Papanui:  Come and join us at the Papanui complex on a Friday afternoon 1.30pm to 3.00pm for a social game of indoor bowls. No previous bowling experience needed. The first afternoon will be Friday 7th March 2025. Be there by 1.15pm and wear flat, soft-soled shoes.  Contact Margaret S. for further details.


Thank you to the many volunteers who gave of their time to sort clothing to be sent to Nepal. Ten boxes in all!


A big thank you to all those who baked biscuits and slice for the Kia Ora Bryndwr event on 17 February. Your baking received many compliments and people took some away for children’s school morning teas & lunches and grandchildren’s afterschool snacks. The event was well attended and Luke met some of the local clergy, as well as the local MP and city council staff.


Roster Reminder – 2 March:

Setup: Market Team.

Welcoming: Jenny & Trevor,

Margaret M.

Reading: Claire & Lesley.

Counting: Christine M, Jane.

Morning Tea: Judith & Andrew,

Margaret W.

Technician: Liam.

Grounds at Bryndwr (Sat 1 March) Mitch.


Feb Time Event Venue
Sun 23 10.00am Worship Service Papanui
5.30pm Evening Circle (at the McK’s) phone for details
Mon 24 9.30am Music Moments Papanui
10.30am Creative Nest, Painting Group (10.30-12.30) Papanui
Tue 25 10.00am Fly-Bys Visitors (Bryndwr)
10.30am Creative Nest, drop-in (10.30-12.30) Papanui
Wed 26 9.45am Badminton Papanui
10.00am Pre-School Music Bryndwr
Thurs 27 9.30am Steady as you go, falls prevention exercise class Papanui
9.30am Playful Generations Papanui
10.15am Pop-ins visitors meet Papanui
11.30am Midweek Worship followed by light lunch (provided) Papanui
6.00pm Youth Group Bryndwr
Fri 28 11.00am GoGrans Exercise Group Bryndwr
Sat 1 Mar 9.00am Clothing Shop and the Village Market Bryndwr
Sun 2 10.00am Worship Service Bryndwr
6.00pm Table Talk Papanui