Table Talk presents … Paddington! As a fundraiser for Operation Refugee, we are running a family friendly, fun movie night. Sunday 4th June (King’s Birthday weekend), arrive by 3.50pm for a 4.00pm start (finish time 6.30pm). The Village Papanui. Pizza dinner, snacks and dessert will be provided. If you have any dietary preferences, please let us know.
Any koha received (for the food) will be donated to Operation Refugee (Christian World Service). Please come along and bring your friends and family. If you have any questions, please contact Annie or Kate B.
Our Clothing Shop: The clothing shop is looking for more volunteers. We are now down to the minimum number of helpers we can operate with. If you can help one Saturday morning a month, I would love to hear from you. This shop provides a great community service as well as helping the Church coffers. Please contact Janice C.
Kids Club is on each Monday 3-5pm. If you have children or grandchildren that would like to join the Kid’s Club, you can get a registration form from the office, or contact Kate B or Dan.
We are looking for adult leaders to help volunteer, a flexible arrangement is fine. We are in need of someone to run the kitchen in June, July and August – (or different people on a roster during that time).
Lego – we are looking for lego for Village Kids and Kids Club. If you have any spare lego, please contact Kate B, or the office.
Friendly Circle Lunch: On 13th June we are having our Mid-Winter meal at 12.30pm. Please contact Pat D. or Jennifer R. if you wish to join with us.
(Redwood meeting today – June 4) Congregational Meeting – Notice is given of a Congregational Meeting to decide on the following motion:
‘That The Village set the insurance for the buildings at Bryndwr and Papanui, and for the Manses at Truman Road and Virtue Place at ‘Reinstatement (or Replacement)’ cover, and that the insurance for the building at Redwood be set at ‘Indemnity’ cover.’
Reinstatement (or Replacement) Insurance Cover: provides cover for repairs or replacement of the building as new.
Indemnity Insurance Cover: provides cover to put the congregation in the same position it was in before any loss, allowing for the depreciation of the building. It will not provide the funds to totally reinstate the building in the event of loss.
The Village Elders’ Hui – June 2023
The topic of Eldership is not something that comes up all that often in The Village, however, we are a Presbyterian Parish, part of the Presbyterian Church of Aotearoa New Zealand, and as such are inherently tied to the idea of Eldership. The term ‘Presbyter’ from which the name ‘Presbyterian’ finds its roots in, is a word from the New Testament, often translated as ‘Elder’. We are a church governed or ruled by elders.
Dan is interested in getting together with all those who have been ordained as Elders to chew over what our current understanding of Eldership is, to get a gauge on how we feel about the current status quo, and whether or not we see a need to invest in that understanding more.
Dan invites you to a conversation on Eldership in The Village. Sunday 25 June, 4:30pm, The Lounge @ Papanui with Drinks and nibbles.
Roster Reminder for Sun 11 June
Setup: Andrew & Judith.
Welcoming: Margaret & Gordon, Margaret M.
Reading: Margaret W, Sandra W-T.
Counting: Gordon, Jane.
Morning Tea: Mary Jo, Judith & Andrew.
Technician: Grant.
Grounds at Bryndwr: Ken.
June | Time | Event | Venue |
Sun 4 | 10.00am | Worship Service | Bryndwr |
10.00am | Worship Service | Redwood | |
3.50pm | Table Talk presents … Paddington, the movie! | Papanui | |
Mon 5 |
Church offices closed today King’s Birthday – public holiday |
Tue 6 | 10.00am | Fly-Bys Visitors | Bryndwr |
10.30am | Creative Nest | Papanui | |
Wed 7 | 9.45am | Badminton | Papanui |
10.00am | Pre-School Music | Bryndwr | |
Thurs 8 | 8.00am | Village Prayers in the Chapel | Bryndwr |
11.30am | Midweek Worship Service, followed by lunch | Papanui | |
6.00pm | Youth Group | Bryndwr | |
Fri 9 | 1.15pm | Indoor Bowls | Papanui |
Sat 10 | 9.30am | Clothing Shop | Bryndwr |
Sun 11 | 10.00am | Worship Service | Bryndwr |
11.00am | Book Stall | Bryndwr |